Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Road to Love

My personal thoughts on the film "The Road to Love," were broken up between my different takes on the movie.  On one hand I wanted to consider it to be some form of a documentary (since this was the film style that the movie seemed to be going for).  The problem with that though is that the film itself was not a documentary.  When I thought of the movie as being just a screen play, and having fictitious characters I had a totally different opinion.
As far as the subject matter of the film, I think it is a much looked over political conflict.  What was even more interesting to me (and what I wish would have been covered in the movie...or maybe just more blatantly covered in the movie), was the differences and similarities of the struggles for the homosexual community of individuals of Arab descent, and those of the American homosexual community.  I wish that the film would have covered more in depth the internal struggle of the main characters to embrace their sexual orientation and still embrace their religion and culture as well.  I think it would be a great connector also if they had discussed more in depths the conflict between homosexuality and Islam.  This would have been a great comparison for American opinion and public policy of Gay rights.  Basically to sum it up, I would have enjoyed more of a historical and factual maybe if it had just actually been a real documentary I would have liked it more.
As far as it being a cinematic work of fiction....well actually I still didn't enjoy it that much.  I believe someone already mentioned this is class, but it bothered me that in the film, that every single male character, the main character interviewed was sexually attracted to him.  Just because someone is gay or lesbian does not mean that they pursue every single same sex person they come in contact with.  It also bothered me how the interviewees' constantly pursued the main character even though he was straight (at least at the point of the interview he was portrayed to be).  I've never had a gay friend whose ever tried to sway a straight friend into changing his or her sexual orientation.  
Over all I would say I was distracted by the films strange misinterpretations of homosexual individuals.  I would have liked a lot more history as well.


  1. I completely agree with your assessment of the movie. I could have accepted that the main character just happened to come into contact with all these people that were attracted to him and even sexually aggressive if it really was a documentary, because I suppose there is always a chance that it could happen that way. But because it was WRITTEN in a way that portrayed most gay men as constantly coming on to everyone, it was a bit unsettling.

  2. I agree totally that the film should have had more history in it, instead of flip-flopping back and forth from story to history, and back to story again. And the fact that the main character was pressured to become something he wasn't originally bothered me.
