Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Honor Killings

The film we watched in class about the Honor Killings in Turkey had me confused.  First off, the interview with one of the men imprisoned for killings one of his female family members, and the man states that he thought the state was attempting to make changes to a state that lacked the infrastructure for such changes.   A country that is about to be a part of the E.U (or at least working towards it) is attempting to stop inhuman acts from potentially happening to half of their population.  What infrastructure is needed to insure the safety of half of a nations population?  The guy does however have a point. This is a very inhuman thing that is happening, but despite what laws they create the act continues.  The culture itself has to change, and I liked that in the short film they showed that there are some organizations that are attempting to address the problem.  I found these facts shockingly similar to the domestic violence that our country has had to address.  Twenty years ago Domestic Violence issues had almost no standing in courts, and woman had little to no options.  Now we have shelters and legislation pertaining to these acts of violence.  Schools educate kids about domestic and dating violence, and woman have more options then ever.  Even with all of this, the problem still exists today.  Its taken our nation twenty years to make the progress we have, and it will take time (and money) to address Turkeys issues. 


  1. You are right; the culture of Turkey itself has to change, not just the laws of the government. I'm glad laws regarding domestic violence have changed in our own country, and I hope Turkey will have the same hope of changing.

  2. I like that you pointed out that in the US, we start talking about domestic violence early in the the education system. Although we still have a long way to go, education is the key to changing people's views.
