Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beheading the cat

There was so much to love about this story.  It had adventure, sexual tension, animal abuse, and just a bit of magic.  Disney should really catch onto it...but not really.
some personal thoughts that came mind about this short story...
Well first off, I thought the description of the perfect bride was great, and I can just imagine men and women alike getting huge eyes when they see their lives laid out before them, and it they do not need to cook, clean, or argue with the person they have purchased.  Marriage?  I think not.  That sounds a bit more like slavery.
I thought that it was interesting in the story how the main character is so infatuated with Nadine.  And Nadine is a complete 180 from the tradition wife that the gypsy woman is trying to sell him on.  One would think that since he is so attracted to Nadine that he would see no possibility for love in a relationship with a servant assigned to him.  And what is interesting to think about with that, is that idea that maybe he, just as Nadine, acknowledges that their is more to love in a marriage.  He sees that possibly in his marriage he needs control and power to be happy, while she sees that she needs freedom.  Love in itself is not enough for either of them.  

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