Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The miracle of liturature

So I attempted to order a book from Amazon only to find out that I am much less wealthy than I thought. So until my next paycheck im gonna have to wait to get what my original choice in literature was, The Iraqi war blog.
BUT! Even when things seem bad, and you discover that you are so poor you can't afford a used book, their is always a blessing in disguise. I went to visit the family of one of my close friends, and they asked me about what I was studying in school. This happens frequently and I always end up attempting to explain why my classes ARE in fact interesting and not just a pain in the ass (physics and math are interesting, you just gotta learn to love it and not fight it). This time however I had a classes that actually seemed to interest this family. I mentioned this class, and it instantly sparked up a controversial and heated conversation (I sat out of it seeing as how I didn't want to offend the people who were supposed to feed and house me for the weekend). The mom of the family went to take her daughter to buy some books the next day and I tagged along. I started looking at some books that interested me (putting them back every time because the only thing I can afford is pretty much a slice of pizza and a gumball) she came over and we started talking about one of them.
Long story short, I came home sunday night and found this book in my suitcase with a note asking me to let her know if I liked it so she could read it.

So I have a book and can start reading now.
Quick Summary:
The book is the memoir of a young Iraqi who is drafted into Saddams army. He doesn't want to be so he escapes. His epic escape is the plot of this book.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds fascinating... And you have to read the Looming Tower; it may go along with that book. And yes, I know what you mean about being the poor college student :) That is the only hard thing about this class....
